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Our trip to France


The bus departure was at 8pm in Hanau the 15th of September and we arrived at 10am in Rennes.

The bus was late so when we arrived in France, we were 2 hour late.

This means that we had no time to take a shower and therefore we looked like “clochard“. This is how we looked up at the school Jean -Macé to eat lunch. Honestly we didn’t enjoy the cantina food.

After lunch at 12am we had a guided tour and explored some sightseeing’s, visited the cathedral Saint-Pierre and the old town of Rennes.

After the guided tour some student took the chance to taste the regional food in Rennes or went to youth hostel to take a shower without any observation.

At 7am we had dinner at our youth hostel. When we finished we had free time to 12am.


Petar Kozul.


In the oldest street of Rennes - Rue du Chapitre

German people


Voici l'espace réservé aux avis de vos clients. Donnez leurs l'opportunité de vanter vos mérites !

K. Petit

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